5 Ways I've Been Educating Myself on #BlackLivesMatter

5 Ways I've Been Educating Myself on #BlackLivesMatter

These past few days have been eye-opening.  As a white woman in society, I cannot even begin to pretend like I know how it feels to have people judge and hate me for the color of my skin. I am privileged and imperfect. There is so much I don't know and don't understand, but I'm trying. I'm trying to learn and educate myself along my journey to be better. Here are a few ways that I've been trying to educate myself and my family on this matter.

1. Listening

There have been so many powerful black-voices that have been amplified during this time, ones that I would have probably never seen in my day-to-day life, and I am listening. There have been stories and experiences that have been shared and need to be given center stage. There are so many accounts that I love that have shared their stories, and I have all of those in a highlight bubble on @OliveAveBoutique 's Instagram. Although I'm not perfect, I am listening and educating myself wherever I can. 

2. Netflix Series

An account by the name of @unity.celeste posted a list of 5 Netflix series that you can use to educate yourself on black oppression. This list consists of the following shows:

1. Explained: The Radical Wealth Gap

2. Time: The Kalief Browder Story

3. When They See Us

4. 13th

5. Who Killed Malcom X?

There are so many more amazing movies and documentaries that cover this subject, and these are just a few. If you have anymore, please let me know! I'd love to watch them. 


3. Instagram Resources 

Instagram is a great resource at this time. The support that has been shown to that black community has been amazing and will surely go down in history. Once again, I could shower you with names, but I will only give a few in this blog. You can find more resources by going to our highlight bubble on @OliveAveBoutique 's Instagram account. Here are some resources that I have learned a lot from...

1. @nybucketlist posted a list of, "40 ways you can help right now." Click here to go to that post.

2. @themanacho posted a video called, "Dear White People" that is very eye-opening. Click here to go to that video.

3. Our amazing photographer, Alysa, reposted a post called, "10 Steps to Non-Optical Allyship" by @mireillecharper that is very helpful. 

4. Here's a link to a list of places you can donate to and petitions you can sign. 



4. Supporting Black-Owned Businesses

This can be a great way to support to Black Lives Matter movement, and one that I personally really love and appreciate as a business owner myself.  If you don't know of any black owned businesses locally, support online boutiques and shops! Click this link to go to a post all about where to find online businesses.

5. Books

Buzz Feed shared a list of books that I'm planning on reading in the near future. I'll leave a link to this post so you can find the recommendations. 

An equally important list is this list of, "33 Books Featuring Blacks Heroes and Characters That Every Kind Should Read" posted by @TheEverymom. I'm in the process of buying some of these books to read to Olive and Henry, and I'm so excited about them. Here's the link to the full list of books!

I will always support love and kindness. Racism is not okay. Love will win! It always will. Before I sign off, I want to also mention that Olive Ave does not support crime or violence in any way, shape, or form. We are educating ourselves and doing our part as a company to be a part of the change. Black Lives Matter.

So join me in doing your what you can to be a part of the change. Follow us @OliveAveBoutique for more resources.